Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE - C2)

The Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)

Level C2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

A Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) certificate is Cambridge´s highest-level qualification. With this certificate you can show the world that you have mastered English at an exceptional level and that you can communicate with the fluency and sophistication of a highly competent English speaker.

Preparing for and passing the exam means you have the level of English that is needed to study or work in a very senior professional or academic environment, for example on a postgraduate or PhD programme.

The Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) certificate shows that you can:

  • study demanding subjects at the highest level, including postgraduate and PhD programmes
  • negotiate and persuade effectively at a senior management level in international business settings
  • understand the main ideas of complex pieces of writing
  • talk about complex or sensitive issues, and deal confidently with difficult questions

Worldwide recognition

Being the highest achievable proof of language competence, the Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) is accepted by thousands of employers, governments, professional bodies, and universities globally.

International top-employers like Coca-Cola, IBM, Nestlé, Nokia, Procter&Gamble and Sony all hire employees with a Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) certificate.

The Exam Format

Cambridge exams are designed to ensure standardised test conditions for people of all linguistic backgrounds and nationalities and are supported by a dedicated global research programme.

The exam covers all four language skills (Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking) and knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes 

Target: Shows you can deal confidently with different types of text, such as fiction and non-fiction books, journals, newspapers and manuals.

Sample Test - Answer Key

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

Target: Requires you to be able to write a variety of text types, such as essays, reports and reviews.

Sample Test - Writing Checklist

Duration: 40 minutes

Target: Requires you to be able to follow and understand a range of spoken materials, such as lectures, speeches and interviews.

Sample Test - Answer Key

Duration: 16 minutes

Target: Tests your ability to communicate effectively in face-to-face situations. You will take the Speaking test with one or two other candidates.

Ready for Exam-Assessment

Would you like to clarify whether or not you already are at the right level to take the Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) exam? Ask us for our Ready for Exam-Assessment (free of charge) and a personal consultation!

The exams at The Cambridge Institute are computer-based, which means that you can take the Reading and Use of English, Writing and Listening conveniently on the computer.

To be fully prepared on the exam day, please be so kind as to familiarise yourself with the following video tutorial as well as the computer-based sample tests:

Video Tutorial


We offer those exams on request only. Are you interested in one of these exams? Please contact us – we will be happy to help!